Last week, I visitedLondonwithmyparents. Theweatherin London wassunny and it is good for having atravel. Itwas also a warmdaythat we allhave agood time there. I visitedmanyinterestingofLondon,such asBig Ben, London Eye , RIver Thames.I have agood time inLondon.
大致就这样,精彩之处 Itwas also a warmdaythat we allhave agood time there. 这一句是强调句.还有用了一些短语.
望采纳,谢谢.那个,我们作文需要分三段,可以再改一下下吗?改完就采纳哦~Last week, I visitedLondonwithmyparents.
Theweatherin London wassunny and it is good for having atravel. Itwas also a warmdaythat we allhave agood time there.
I visitedmanyinterestingofLondon,such asBig Ben, London Eye , RIver Thames.I have agood time inLondon.