He left Chine five years ago He bought this book last year His brother joined the army last mouth
4、I arrive have ten minutes ago 5、The train stopped half an hour age 6、He became an engineer ten years ago 7、They came to Japan last week 8、They went there yesterday 改同义句(用since或for改写)
人气:332 ℃ 时间:2019-08-21 00:14:45
非要按顺序来嘛?还是说只要把这些句子改成同义句,顺序可以颠倒你会吗4: I have already arrived for ten minutes 5: The train had stopped sincean hour ago.6: He became an engineer since ten years ago. 7: They had came to Japan for one week.8: They arrived there since yesterday你看看行不行
- 要用方程做,
- 将m^2n^2-2m^2n+m^2分解因式
- 取70g钠,钾合金投入到500g水中,在标准状况下,能收集到22.4L气体
- 有一桶纯净水,第一次取出40%,第二次比第一次少取出10千克,桶里还剩30千克纯净水.这桶纯净水原来有多少千克?
- 在一个比例尺中,两个内项都是质数,它们的积是35,一个外项是这个积得30%,这个比例可以写成()
- 从下列的数中选出5个数,使它们的和等于60,11、33、13、7、5、17、19、15、23、31、1、3、9、21
- 24.5-1.25×8的简便运算
- -2(cosπ/3+isinπ/3)的三角式是