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趣味英语选择题样题 超急!
人气:321 ℃ 时间:2020-02-04 06:51:48

Four friends live in a small town. Their names are John, Miller, Smith and Carte. They all have different jobs. One is a policeman, one is a cook, one is a farmer, and one is a doctor.
It’s Tuesday afternoon. John’s son breaks his leg and John takes him to the doctor. The doctor’s sister is Smith’s wife. The farmer isn’t married. He has a lot of hens.
Miller often buys eggs from the farmer. The policeman sees Smith and Miller every day for they are neighbours.
Now who is the policeman? Who is the cook? Who is the farmer? Who is the doctor?
1. John is a _______.
A. doctorB. farmerC. policemanD. cook
2. Miller is a _______.
A. doctorB. policemanC. cook D. farmer
3. Smith is a _______.
A. farmerB. policemanC. cook D. doctor
4. Carter is a _______.
A. doctorB. policemanC. cook D. farmer

Three children are sharing a bottle of milk. Jacky drinks half of the milk.after that,Lucy drinks one third of the left milk and Lily drinks one third of the left milk,the same as Lucy.So hou much is left in the bottle?
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