这个婴儿出生时只有2公斤 翻译(三种) 用weigh:______ 用weight:_____ 用heavy:________
人气:272 ℃ 时间:2019-08-18 04:32:01
weigh:This infant weighed only 2 kilograms when it/he/she was born.weight:This infant's weight was only 2 kilograms when it/he/she was born.heavy:This infant was as heavy as 2 kilograms when it/he/she...
- weight 和 weigh
- weight,weigh,heavy的区别?
- weight,weigh,heavy的区别,该如何用
- weigh weight heavy 的同意句转换
- 他50千克种.翻译(有哪几种?,老师说weigh和weight都能用)
- My mother is busy.She has too much work
- The plant will be die.(改为一般疑问句)
- 已知:A的质量M1=4m,B的质量M2=m,斜面固定在水平面上,斜面的倾角为30°.开始时将B按在地面上不动,然后放手,让A沿斜面下滑而B上升.A与斜面无摩擦,设当A沿斜面下滑S距离后细线突然断了.求细线上升的最大高度H.