> 英语 >
你的班级刚刚举行一个辩论,下个星期天是否要去参观一个当地博物馆,下表是class debate的情况,请写一篇报告,字数120左右.
Question :Shall we go to visit the local museum next Sunday
SideA(for) :1.learn more about the local history
2.learn history through experiences and get interested
3.get relaxed
SideB(against) :1.a waste of time
2.a waste of money
3.lots of homework to do
Class vote :We shall go to visit the local museum .
人气:135 ℃ 时间:2020-02-02 19:59:29
It has just held a class debate in our class on whether to visit a local museum or not, some students are for the visit, while the others are against the proposal. Those who would like to visit the lo...
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