> 英语 >
1. What you need is more ____, for you are always doing your ____ at your desk.
A. exercises; exercises B. exercise; exercise
C. exercises; exercise D. exercise; exercises
2. I don’t think he could have done such a stupid thing last night, ____?
A. do I B. had he C. has he D. did he
3. One of the advantages of living on the top floor of a high rise is that you can get a good ____.
A. sight B. scene C. view D. look
4. ____ reading is faster than reading aloud.
A. Silent B. Still C. Quiet D. Calm
5. It’s time you ____ home and I’d rather you ____ again tomorrow.
A. are going; will B. go; are coming
C. went; came D. would go; would come
人气:222 ℃ 时间:2020-03-30 02:15:35
1.D exercise表“运动”是不可数,表“作业”是可数
2.D I think引导的句子应用从句的谓语时态引导反义疑问句,could是过去时,所以用did he
3.C view“视野”
4.A silent reading“默读”
5.你确定C的第二个答案是came而不是come吗?It's time sb.did sth,这个绝对没错,但是后面的是I'd rather sb do sth
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