1,But it requires no arguement to prove that the wife,the mother,the mistress of an English family-- fills officesand discharges duties of no ordinary improtance; or that children are or should be occupied in filial or house hold duties,and in the task of education,either at home or at school.
2,Americans have distanced themselves from the ethic and morals of food production,except where it serves them to think nostalgically about family farms as the source of our better values.
3,Cause would no longer procede effect.
人气:443 ℃ 时间:2020-04-01 16:51:31
第一句话具体的意思就是一个英国家庭的女主人 很重要,要负责教育(具体的例子)SAT的句子有些很难懂 但是要抓住主谓)第一句话是it requires no arguement to prove that the wife or that children hold duties.
第二句有点讽刺吧 除了让他们留下点思乡的东西外,美国人对于食物在精神层面的理解 太过于浅薄.
第三句 导致这个事情的原因 不会先于影响
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