> 英语 >
1.I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues (clue n.线索) of a famous person.
其中come in secret 是什么意思?
2.Some people write going down. Some people write from left to right, some from right to left.
其中write going down?意思?
人气:269 ℃ 时间:2020-04-01 12:29:23
1.come in secret 秘密地来 介词短语in secret作副词修饰
2.这句话描述一些人书写的习惯,write going down是像你写书法那样自上而下地书写.你好关于你帮我翻译的第一个短语,放入句子中的话意思有点奇怪“秘密地来然后装扮成名人”吗?谢谢~你好,这整句话的意思是这样的:我秘密地让那些孩子前来,然后(自己,因为主语一致)装扮成了一个名人的样子(clue这里有点引申意,从线索引申为那个名人的一些显著特征或者穿衣风格)。更好地理解需要上下文,可能他是想给某人一个惊喜吧。谢谢你。这里是上下文,不是很复杂,可不可以你再帮我看一下呢?谢谢你哦~This term, for example, her class is learning about people important in history. I got the children to come in secret and dress up with several clues of a famous person. They had to research and bring us ten written clues and the rest of the class had to guess who these significant people were.呵呵,就是做游戏吧。意思就是做一个猜名人的游戏,老师装扮成某名人(带有若干特征)(可能藏在后台吧,别的学生看不见)让几个孩子过去看,然后那几个孩子要考虑考虑写出10条特征给老师,其他的孩子再根据他们写出的特征来猜。就是一个了解历史名人的游戏吧~望采纳。
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