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Do you think schools,including primary schools,should permit students to carry mobile phones?
英语口语考试话题,要是两人对话 求高手来个四分钟的回答
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 11:45:10
A: I think the school should let us carry mobile phones. 我觉得学校应该允许学生携带手机.
B: I don't think so. I think the school is right on it. 我不这样认为, 我觉得学校做的是对的.
A: Why? Don't you feel it's inconvenient when you need make phone calls, sending messages to your parents or friends? The public phone is out of date, especially in school. 为什么? 难道你不觉得当你要打电话发短信的时候没有手机是很不方便的么? 公用电话已经过时啦, 特别是在学校里.
B: Yes, it is indeed very hard to find a public phone to use. However some of the students can't control themselves, that's the reason the school doesn't allow the mobile phones to be on campus. There are so many interesting programs running on the mobile phone including games. Those students can't help playing the games, surfing on the internet, chatting during classes. This doesn't do any good to their studies. If the school doesn't do anything, the situation will go worse and worse. 是的, 确实是, 现在在学校里或者马路上已经很难找到公用电话了. 但是一些学生并不能很好的控制他们自己, 这也是为什么学校禁止学生携带手机来校的原因. 现在手机上有越来越多的有趣的软件包括游戏. 那些学生在课堂上控制不住地要去玩游戏, 上网或者聊天. 这样长此以往会影响他们的学习. 如果学校对此没有任何动作, 整个课堂会陷入混乱的.
A: Eh... I don't mean that. What I suggest is to use the mobile phones in emergency. Like sometimes you know, we are always kept in school late for certain reason, however our parents were urgently waiting for us. If we have a mobile phone with us, we can inform them right away, so they won't be worried about us.Or sometimes if the appointment is changed with friends or teachers, we can call. I know what you are worrying about and I do know some of the students can't control themselves very well. I think instead of completely stop using the mobile phones in school, the school should give some rules.Like in what circumstances the students can use the mobile phones in school, the mobile phones should always be shut down during the classes. If the phone is found to be used in class or in exam, that student will be punished and the mobile phone will be confiscated for certain days. 额.我并不是想这样的. 我想说的是手机可以用在紧急的时候. 你知道的, 我们通常会因为这样那样的理由留的晚些, 而这时候我们的妈妈爸爸在家里焦急地等着我们, 如果我们身边有手机, 我们就能及时地通知他们. 或者有时候一些和朋友或者老师的约会要晚了, 我们也能及时通知. 我知道你在担心些什么, 而且我也知道确实有些学生不能很好地控制他们自己. 我觉得与其是完全禁止使用, 学校不如想出一些更好的办法来控制. 比如规定一下, 在何种环境重手机可以使用, 而在课堂或者考试重手机必须关机. 一旦发现有使用情况, 手机会被没收, 学生本人也会被惩罚, 等等.
B: Yeh, I think you are right. I also experienced the time when I urgently need a phone but I don't have one with me. That gave me a feeling of desperate. (I'm kidding, haha)是啊, 我想你是对的. 我也经历过那种时候, 就是我非常需要手机联系, 可是身边却没有. 这时候真是有种绝望的感觉, 当然我是开玩笑的, 哈哈.
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