> 其他 >
In the long run,
a.the natural rate of unemployment depends primarily on the level of aggregate demand.
b.inflation depends oprimarily upon the money supply growth rate.
c.there is a tradeoff between inflation rate and the natural rate of unemployment.
d.all of above are correct.
which of the following would increase output in the short run?
a.an increase in stock prices makes people feel wealthier.
b.government spending increases.
c.firms chose to purchase more investment goods.
d.all of above are correct.
industrial machinery is an example of
a.a factor of production that in the past was an output from the production process.
b.technological knowledge.
c.aproduction function.
d.an item which always has the property called constant returns to scale.
<就是还有个疑惑的事情就是考虑longrun 和shortrun的区别是什么啊?
人气:322 ℃ 时间:2020-06-24 10:47:17
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