An urban bias that depressed rural loan repayment and savings capacities
characterized both public investment and most of these policies before the structural
adjustment programs of recent decades (Krueger,Schiff,and Valdes,1992; Valdes,
1996).These reforms have only partially revised,however,the policy environment
for rural productive activities.The markets for several crops are still administratively
controlled and effective protection is not uniform across products.Macroeconomic
stabilization programs not accompanied by an effective reform of the state have
constrained fiscal resources for investment in critical public goods needed to improve
the productivity of resources in agriculture (Gonzalez-Vega,1998b).The expansion
of rural financial markets will not be vigorous as long as these constraints on the
demand side are in place.
人气:222 ℃ 时间:2020-02-06 02:33:55
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