> 英语 >
1.Is this museum ———you visited the other day?
Is this the museum ———you visited the other day?
A.that B.where C.in which D.the one
2.He said that Mary done it,___?
I said that Mary done it,____?
是不是 主句主语是第一人称时变反义疑问句以从句为准
3.The experiment has failed.I suggest you—— again.
A .try B.trying
4____ fails to finish the task given should be criticized.
A.Anyone who B Any one who
5. East of the village ___ a lake five yeard ago.
He __ his hand on my shoulder.
A.lie B.lay C. laid D.lain
一直分不清 说谎 躺 放置那几个词有什么巧记的方法么
6.Our teacher entered the room,______.
Our teacher entered the room,with______.
A.a book in hand B.book in hand C.a book in his hand
7.The book willbe printed ———.
A. before long B. long before
8.To all the people here ___the honour for the success.
China —— the third World is a developing country.(这个选D对不对?能还原为完整从句么谢谢)
A.belongB.belongsC.belongs to D.belonging to
9He lost his bag containing(能还原为完整的从句么谢谢) his passport ,IDcard and money.
2.是had done
人气:108 ℃ 时间:2020-04-06 13:33:46
2、didn't he.didn't she.位记得只强调了主句是第一人称的情况,至于you,你也可以想象一下,这也是除第一人称之外的情况.你不会反问自己,但是你可以反问第二人称不是么?
3、trying .做建议的用法的时候是ing吧.
4、Anyone who.后面的fail用的是fails,说明是单数.any怎么说也是一些,one是单数,这两个词不该一起出现.
5、laid,lay.看选项,看主语,第三人称,就没有几个可以选了.lay,laid就这两个了.“说谎”印象中都是,谁说谎了,就是类似,He lied.就结束了.后面基本上就没有成分了.“放置”是人的动作吧,至少是能动的品种吧,或者被放置,这样一来,放置后面是有宾语的,宾语是物.
6、a book in hand,a book in his hand.反正,book 前面一定是有词的.必须有.
7、before long .不久以后.看时态.
8、这句话应该是the honour for the success belongs to the people here.
9、He lost his bag which/that contains his passport ,IDcard and money.
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