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To become involved in document imaging, you presumably already have a large collection of paper documents. These documents must be converted into electronic images in a process known as backfile conversion. According to one particularly practical article, this process involves the following five steps:(12)
Document PreparationOrganize and discard old documents.
ScanningPurchase an appropriate scanner for your documents. Autofeed scanners are a myth; hands-on feeding is a reality.
IndexingCreate all potential identifiers, using current technology such as autoindexing, OCR, and bar codes. Where possible, use existing databases to retrieve additional information, such as employee information from an ID.
Quality AssuranceManage the process carefully; conversion is tedious and difficult. Get it right the first time, because reprocessing is expensive.
Image IntegrationYour goal is a system to handle daily throughput. Service bureaus may be appropriate for the backfile work while you focus on the future system.
As part of the document conversion process, paper documents are scanned, and images are converted into electronic files and kept in large electronic filing cabinets.(13) The document images may be recognized by optical character recognition (OCR) software and converted into computer interpretable text, which can be indexed and searched.
According to the news magazine Imaging World, "office workers spend 60% of the day dealing with paper documents and U.S. businesses continue to create over one billion pages of paper each day."(14) That's a lot of trees. The same article categorizes the imaging market into five components:
• image input
• image storage
• image management and processing
• image communications
• image output and display
Let's examine three aspects of these components. First, the OCR part of the input component; second, text retri, part of the management and processing component; finally, the media issues that are part of the storage component.
人气:210 ℃ 时间:2020-05-21 03:11:11
(1) 文件准备,整理和摈除老文件.
(2)扫描为你的文件找一台适当的扫描器.自动扫描器是不可靠的; 手动才是实用的.
(5)图象集成,你的目标是建立一个系统处理日常的生产量.服务处也许是最适合backfile 工作的如果你着眼于未来系统的话.
作为文件转换过程的一部分,纸文件被扫描并且图象被转换成电子文件保存在大型电子的档案橱柜.(13) 文件图象也许被字符识别(OCR) 软件识别并转换成计算机释义的文本,从而可以被索引和检查.
据《成像的世界》新闻杂志报道,"办公室工作者每天花费60%的时间 处理纸面文件而美国企业持续每天创造十亿页纸." 那全部是树.同样文章将图像市场分为五个组分:
我们审查这些组分的三个方面.首先,输入组分的OCR 零件; 其次,文本检索,一部分的管理和处理组分; 最后一部分,是存贮组分的一部分的媒介问题.
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