> 英语 >
take things personally是什么意思
准备考BEC,听到一段录音,不知道为什么说的是take things personally的意思,
There are always going to be things in a company people don't like,and if you've created an atmosphere in which they're encouraged to contribute ideas freely,you have to learn to deal with complaints.Revealing that you are,for example,upset by their comments is a crucial error---you will have shown a weakness in your character that others may try to exploit---and may lead to a general lack of support for you.
这段话为啥讲的是don't appear to take things personally?
人气:430 ℃ 时间:2020-02-20 15:13:35
整篇文章大意是 .公司里总有人们不喜欢的事情,在气氛较开放的企业里边,员工们如果对管理层有什么意见也会直说,甚至抱怨.如果把这些抱怨太当回事,全当做对自己的不满而沮丧的话就会被利用,不容易聚敛人心.
那么don't appear to take things personally就很清楚了,意思就是 不要把那些抱怨都当成是针对自己的.也就是不要太当回事的意思.
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