人气:313 ℃ 时间:2020-04-28 06:56:29
You can help me go up to the sky.
- help,can,you,me,sky,to,go up,the?连词成句
- Can you help me——(go up,goes up)to the sky again?选词填空
- Can you help me go ( ) to the sky?A,in B,up C,with D,into
- Can you help me go to the sky?
- 英语翻译
- 已知3x²-2xy-y²=0,试把它改写成y=f(x)的形式
- 改句we are walking to school now .(换种说法,意思不变)
- 利用极坐标计算二重积分
- about,is,book,man,this,old,an.连词成句
- I am an animal.I‘m not too big.I have too claer eyes and amart nose.I can watch house for you.
- 为什么用纸盖住杯子水不会流出来?
- 一批零件平均分给甲,乙两个人去做,经过6小时,甲完成了任务,乙还差96个没有做,已知甲乙工效的比是5:4.
- 夹竹桃:(第三自然段)这段话一共写了______花,作者之所以用那么多的笔墨描写它们,是为了____________.
- they must try to find new markets for their industriai and agricultural [ ] 为什么用products
- How far is it feom Nanjing to Beijing?______ ______ the ________ from Nanjing to Beijing?
- A有四种元素两种官能团组成,相对分子质量与乙酸相等,且氢不与碳直接相连,则A的结构简式是什么