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what are the best ways for you to get rid of the bad emotion?
人气:493 ℃ 时间:2020-05-09 16:58:48
Yes,actually every person may have a bad emotion in a certain situation or in a certain period of time.
However,the rational ones always have good ways to control their moods.As the saying goes,"Without the ability to control yourself,you can never be mature".
As followed,I enthusiastically recommend a way to release yourself,doing sports,or ratherly,we call it "let the anger or anxiety off".Usually people let themselves loose by quarreling with acquaintances or even fighting with
strangers.Apparently,this kind of people are totally out of minds!The negative behaviours led by the negative moods will not only affect the social skills,but contribute to the terrible results such as fining(罚款),detaining(拘留) as well.So how we let the negative moods off becomes the point.Why not do boxings in the Sports Club?Imaigine that the sandbag are the anger and complaints in your mind or more directly,the body of your enemy,you are putting the sandbags in and around...(But Americans cannot have the second sort of ideas because if they have,they are committing the crime.)After doing 20 minutes' exhausting sports,I believe everybody will be completely tired and then feel relaxed after a comfortable shower.Beside boxing,we can benefit a lot from jogging,swimming and some ball games.
So when you have bad moods and really cannot bear the depressed feelings inside,just let it off.I believe doing sports helps us more than other means.
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