1.当苏珊看到猴子们在猎物保护区互相追逐(搞得)尘土飞扬时,忍不住大笑起来.他们的样子太滑稽了.(burst into laughter;in the dust of;game reserve)
2.漏油事件危害到了许多海鸟的生存,这促使了许多以保护鸟类为目标的社会团体的行程.(incidents with oil spills;societies come into being)
3.许多人到像深圳那样的新经济开发区去找工作,希望能提高他们的收入.(economic zone;income)
人气:329 ℃ 时间:2019-12-03 16:44:45
1.Susan burst into laughter when she saw the monkeys running after each other in the dust of the game reserve.They looked so funny.
2.Incidents with oil spills harm many sea birds,this has encouraged societies to come into being,whose aim is to save the birds.
3.Many people go to a new economic zone like Shenzhen to look for a new job,hoping to increase their income there.
- 要用方程做,
- 将m^2n^2-2m^2n+m^2分解因式
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- 在一个比例尺中,两个内项都是质数,它们的积是35,一个外项是这个积得30%,这个比例可以写成()
- 从下列的数中选出5个数,使它们的和等于60,11、33、13、7、5、17、19、15、23、31、1、3、9、21
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