> 英语 >
Complete the sentences in your own words (八下)
1.As soon as I got home,______________ the letters.
2.When the bus came,________________ my ticket
3.When I was talking with Ms Wang,________________ radio.
4.Liu Xiang became a national heo after_______________.
5.What were you doing while __________________ phone?
6.I didn't finish the work until __________________.
人气:161 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 15:38:09
1.As soon as I got home,(the postman was sending )the letters.我一到家,邮递员把信送过来了.2.When the bus came,(I found that I have lost)my ticket.当汽车进站的时候我才发现我把票给丢了.3.When I was ...
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