求助作文have a fight with best friend.
一、Have a fight with best friend.1、have a conversation
2、like each other.be happy to........
二、Why not his classmate invite 1、call Sb up
me to the birthday party?2、ask what wrong things I did
3、to tell your friend you really want to join the
4、be happy to...
三、My English is poor.1、listen to the tape.
2、have a conversation with...
每一个大的标题是一篇作文(一 二 三),用第一人称的方法写,先把问题写了 在写解决方法(上面有的) 要通顺哦 我可以加分的 最后的一小排.......是因为写不下了 你可以自己补充
人气:271 ℃ 时间:2019-08-22 08:57:32
10分这么多要求没人愿意你要多少分 我加到50了一、Have a fight with best friend.Answer : One day , i wasstaying with my friends ,and we were haveing a conversation.We like eachother and really be happy to expressed our own opinions .After i said mine ,one of my friend suddenly point at me and saying :NO! YOU ARE BULL SHIT! no one think about that !ielt so confused ,andbe mad about her behavior .i asked her : okay if i am wrog you can point out but why you can not be more polit !? so an big argued became.. in this wayi have a fight with my best friend .... 二、Why not his classmate invite me to the birthday party?Answer: One of my friend had his birthday party ,but when i kewn it ,it was happened without told me .So i am angry about that .he is my friend but why did not he call me up?! then i go to ask what wrong things I did,i gusse so ...but no answer for me . i wassasd but sill told him i really want to join his party bucause i like him i am his friend!Finally ,my friend feel so sorry to me and relly happy to hear i want to be his friend and care him. 三、My English is poor这个是要写自己的解决方法吗?。。不理解题目。。。上面两个你要是满意,给20 分吧第三个的回答应该是1、listen to the tape. 2、have a conversation with... 3、read more English newpaper and more English movie to improve your listening. 4、try to rember more English words and write down every grammar to improve your writing我木有力气了。。。费脑子哦。。。。你看着办吧。。SORRY 啊 make you disappointing
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