the dragon people born under the year of the dragon are strong and full of energy.这个短文的全篇……
人气:354 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 02:33:27
The Dragon People born under the year of the Dragon are strong and full of energy.Theyare also proud and confident.The year of the Dragon is one that brings happiness and good luck.It isthe most strongest of all of the twelve star signs.For those who are going to marry or start a new business it is a favourable year.The Monkey People born under the year of the Monkey are good at “mastering things” they put their hands to,they are also successful.This is because they are clever,wiseand they love to challenge(挑战 At times 挑战).挑战 they are dishonest.They have good memories andthey like to find easy way out of problems.The year of the Monkey is one where everything is possible,ayear when things that appear impossible will succeed.With all of this success around no one will know what they are doing.The Ox People born under the year of the Ox are calm,patient and hard working.But when they are angry,it will be hard to reason with them.And they are full of pride.The year of Ox is one in which success will run away without an effort.In this year success is achieved through hard work.