1.He went back home ____and never failed to do that.
A.every another day B.every two day
C.every other day D.each second day
2.Equipped with many facilities,today′s libraries differ greatly from______
A.those of the past B.the past
C,which of the past D.these past
3.When the fire broke out,he still___his post and wouldn′t escape.
A.insisted on B.kept on
C.stuck to D.referred to
4.He was angry____ me____what I had said about his book.
A.with;because B,with;because of
C,at;because D.at;because of
人气:228 ℃ 时间:2020-04-16 11:01:38
1.C every other day = every two days 意为“每隔一天,每两天".不能把every换成each.
2.A those代替“the+前面出现过的名词”,即代替the libraries.
3.C stick to与insist on都有“坚持”之意,但表示“坚守岗位(post)”要用词组stick to.
4.B be angry with sb.“生某人的气”,不用介词at(接事情);what引导的从句可以作介词because of的宾语,但不能置于because.第2题我选B了,我认为the past就像the pour 一样表示一类事物或人啊,不可以吗?第3题为什么不能insisted on ,这个词组也是坚持的意思啊第4题为什么不能用because?还是不懂~.2. 选B不对。the past只能表示“过去”,不能代表过去的图书馆,此处必须用those指代the libraries.3. insist on不能用于坚守岗位。4. 其实because本身是个连词,其后不能再接连词。楼主把这作为一种知识记住就行。哦,那就是说第4题里的what是个连词呗?这是怎么看出来的,不懂~what只要用在句子中间,都是连词,用来引导从句。
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