Castiglione (1903/1976) discusses sprezzatura,or how courtiers perform their roles without any semblance of effort or thought.
Signals may also be subtle in terms of effort.Communication depends not only on the signal itself but in how much effort someone puts into communicating it.Castiglione (1903/1976) discusses sprezzatura,or how courtiers perform their roles without any semblance of effort or thought.Some people may vacation in the Hamptons or have attended an Ivy League school,but they also choose how much effort they put into mentioning that information (e.g.,blatantly telling everyone vs.casually dropping it into conversation).Trying too hard to signal a particular identity may actually provide information that one is not a true member.
人气:477 ℃ 时间:2019-10-09 05:14:49
Sprezzatura 是意大利语,出自Baldassare Castiglione 的书《朝臣》又'The Book of the Courtier',意思是一种掩饰的漠不关心,是人为了掩饰所说和所作的真正意图,让别人看上去这是自然的丝毫不费心思的举动的一种特定...