人气:320 ℃ 时间:2019-08-07 17:22:54
In a word,the medical personel shall keep improving their comprehensive abilities,master the art of communication,try to create a comfortable,quiet,safe and self-confident environment for the patients and be patient while answering their questions,and nerver shaut at patients,or be rude or muddle through their work.A harmonious communication between the medical personel and patients is helpful to collect the accurate information of the disease,improve the patient health and the cure rate,and more importantly,it can eliminate the misunderstanding and confliects,and reduce medical disputes and accidents.请问,这句话呢?医生和病人都需要被理解,同时,医患之间也需要更多的沟通交流,沟通与交流是减少悲剧发生的重要方法。The medical personel and the patients not only needs mutual understanding, but also efficient communications. Communication and exchange is an important method to reduce or avoid tragic events (arising from misunderstanding and inefficient communications).