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求 Classroom rules(英语,最少5条)
人气:189 ℃ 时间:2020-05-06 19:45:23
Keep the classroom tidy---furnitures must be in order; no rubbish on the floor.Raise your hand before asking or answering a question.Respect the teacher---keep quite and listen while the teacher is ta...弱弱的问一句,什么意思啊谢谢采纳!XD我本来也想要不要写中文的,觉得麻烦...Keep the classroom tidy---furnitures must be in order; no rubbish on the floor.保持教室整洁──家具一定要摆整齐,地上不准有垃圾Raise your hand before asking or answering a question.问或者答问题之前要先举手Respect the teacher---keep quite and listen while the teacher is talking.尊敬老师──老师说话的时候要安静听Respect each other---one person talking at a time.互相尊重── 一次只能有一个人说话Take care of the equipments---be careful with anything you use.爱护设备/ 器材──小心使用所有的东西No mobile phone in class.上课时不准有手机( XD )If an accident happens, always tell the teacher first.如果有意外发生的话一定要优先告诉老师。以上,加油!!
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