> 英语 >
找错Are the students cleanning the classroom right now?37.Where is Simon?He makes a model plane.
Are the students cleanning the classroom right now?
37.Where is Simon?He makes a model plane.
38.The teacher asked Millie and I to finish the work together.
39.How much did you cost on your e-dog?
40.Are there any food and fruit in the fridge?
人气:152 ℃ 时间:2020-01-28 00:52:08
37.He is making a model plane
38.I 改为me 因为是作asked的宾语
39.cost改为spend 因为cost的主语是物
40.and 改为orAre the students cleanning the classroom right now?和 All the children say the woman Miss Fat.还有两题Are the students cleanning the classroom right now?去掉right,因为right now表示立刻All the children say the woman Miss Fat.say 改为call孩子们叫她Miss Fat
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