> 英语 >
The same may be said,my dear fellow,for the effect of some of these little sketches of yours,which is entirely meretricious,depending as it does upon your retaining in your own hands some factors in the problem which are never imparted to the reader.
语境:"Excellent!" I cried.
"Elementary," said he."It is one of those instances where the reasoner can produce an effect which seems remarkable to his neighbour,because the latter has missed the one little point which is the basis of the deduction.The same may be said,my dear fellow,for the effect of some of these little sketches of yours,which is entirely meretricious,depending as it does upon your retaining in your own hands some factors in the problem which are never imparted to the reader.
depending as it
人气:265 ℃ 时间:2020-03-07 14:17:00
(我们可以)对你的那些小速写的作用说同样的话,我亲爱的伙伴,虚假没实质作用的,(这个作用)像一直以来的情况一样,取决于问题中的那些掌握在你手中的,你从来不透露给读者的因素.不是depend as it.这里是depend upon...
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