这是一句古老的谚语:“虽然尊严不是一种美德,却是许多美德之母.”我认为人人平等.每一个人都有自己的尊严,不管是手脚健全的人还是残疾人士,都有自己坚持的那条底线.我们应该尊重他人,理解他人,善待他人.唯有如此,社会才会变得更加团结.正如歌德所说的:“不管努力的目标是什么,不管他干什么,他单枪匹马总是没有力量的.合群永远 是一切善良思想的人的最高需要.”
人气:483 ℃ 时间:2020-03-15 19:41:30
This is an old piece of proverb:"Although dignity is not a virtue,it is the mother of many virtues." I think everyone is equal.Each person has his own dignity,no matter sound or disabled,every person has the bottom line which he sticks to.We should respect,understand and be nice to others.Only in this way,the society could become more united.Just as Goethe once said:"No matter what the aim of efforts is,whatever he does,he has no force when alone.Getting on well with others is always badly needed by those with good think."第二句应该改成: I think everyone equivalent.最后一句应改成:Getting on well with others is always a good idea all the highest need."为什么这么改?
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