we enclose one copy of our blanked sales contract with general tems and conditions on the reverse and one piece of our sample cuttingfor your reference.
其中one piece of our sample cutting for your reference是什么意识.谢谢
人气:174 ℃ 时间:2019-09-17 03:10:28
one piece of our sample cutting for your reference.
for your reference:供你参考.
- 已知,在△ABC中,M是BC边的中点,AP是∠A的平分线,BP⊥AP于点P,AB=12,AC=22,求MP的长.
- In the past twenty years,many tall buildings have been built in our city.Look!This is a _______.
- 如图所示,电源电动势E=12V,内阻r=1Ω,电阻R1=3Ω,R2=2Ω,R3=5Ω,电容器的电容C1=4μF,C2=1μF,求C1、C2所带电量.
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- 若a-1的绝对值加b+2的二次方等于0,(a+b)的2009次方+a的2010次方是
- Mary (go) to the cinema last Saturday
- 做自由落体运动的物体,最后5s内的位移恰好是前一段时间位移的3倍,求物体开始下落的位置距面的高度H和物体着地时的速度v.