ClopinTrouillefou and His Men Rescued Esmeralda
When Clopin Trouillefou got the information that Esmeralda was hidden in Notre Dame Cathedral,he led at once thousands of people to rescue her!However,Ouasimodo unknowingly,for sake of protecting his beloved Esmeralda,went all out to threw huge stones from the building's top,and overturn searing liquid down,attempting to stop them outside the church; on other hand,Clopin Trouillefou and his men were also trying their utmost for Esmeralda in fought with Quasimodo,with such striking boldness!Finally,Clopin Trouillefou and his men broke through the gate and rescued Esmeralda,but they found themselves besieged by soldiers,and arrows like rain flied to Clopin Trouillefou and his men with Esmeralda.What a cruel fact is that,Clopin Trouillefou together with Esmeralda was shot dead in the chaos!
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