Against that,food is a growing industry:demand is set to rise by 60% by 2030,and Denmark's food cluster is as well placed as any to benefit.
主要是“as well placed as any to benefit.”这句看不懂
人气:284 ℃ 时间:2020-03-19 06:27:48
解答 any直译是“像任何(人或事物)一样.”,是加强语气的,理解和翻译时可以忽略,酌情添加个程度副词即可.这句话的意思是:【与此相对,食品业是个上升产业:其需求在2030年前预计会增长60%,丹麦的食品集团已经是...��������as as any �������Now, home from the Caribbean Sea, he was seeking a comfortable spot in which toretire, and Sinkport, with water all around its ancient houses and its churchcrowning the hill, seemed as good a place as any. Thought it might be as good a time as any to chew the fat, talk over the currentstatus of Cuckoo,�� Hayman started, casually enough. ����������ѡ��British National Corpus��¥��˵����һ�����?���Ը���龳��any����Ķ������ȥ����Ҳ�Ǹ���д����any����ʡ����ʵ�DZȽ����õģ�������ͻ����ø���������ۺ�����û�ж�������ֻҪ֪�� many�����������൱��very��һ��������ѣ��Ͳ��ᱻ����ס�ˡ�