> 英语 >
人气:114 ℃ 时间:2020-04-03 17:03:23
不知道你要从那方面如题了 我就是从原因来写吧
The sorrow and happiness are twins popping in and out in your life one after the other.Whichever comes,you have no other choice but to face the music.No one can live in purely sad or happy life.Therefore,we have both happiness and trouble,which have to be confided when there is too much.One can turn to the family,friends or the strange net pals to talk out of one's heart,talk about the trouble or make a complaint,even talk about the secrets you don't want others to know.These are the way to relieve one's stress in modern times.Confiding has become one necessity of people's emotion.痛苦和快乐是一对同胞兄弟,总是一前一后在你生活里蹓跶.迎来这个,就必须接受那个,你无可选择.没有谁的生活会永远单纯的只有喜或只有悲.于是,有了开心和烦恼,积压到一定程度就想发泄.找家人或者朋友再或者陌生的网友说说心事、倒倒苦水、发发牢骚,还有你不想让所有人知道的秘密.这是现代人减压的好方法,倾诉,成了人类情感的需要.Are you happy?Is everything going well in your career and family?Do you have too much stress and trouble?Everyone has something to confide and would like to talk it heartily.Who is your faithful listener,family,a friend,a college or a stranger?
突然想写两句了 as for me i would like choose a pet or a stone cause They don't say no and listen calmly,I like this feeling very much,argument and debate spend much time of my power.它们不会说不,很安静,我非常喜欢这种感觉,争论和辩论消耗了自己太多的精力.meanwh everyone should have his own space,sharing these content would led to some troubles另外,每个人都有自己的空间,分享这些东西会造成更多的麻烦 Secondly,your stress in life mostly spring from relationship with other people,and talking to other people also give you more stress,I think people need calm time after work.
just as the famous dialog "Know yourself.-----Socrates如名言所说的“认识你自己---苏格拉底”
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