完成下面句子,用His Her,Our ,或 their 填空.
:IS this nicola's coat?no ,it's not.( ) coat is grey.
2:are these your pens no,they' re not .( )pens are blue.
3:is this Mr ,jackson's hat No,it's not ( )hat is black.
4:Are these the children's books?no.they're not ( )books are red.
5:Is this Halen ' s dog No it' s not ( _)dog is brown and white.
6:IS this your rathr's tie NO ,it's not ( )tie is orange.
人气:385 ℃ 时间:2020-06-19 16:20:39
1. His
2. my/Our
3. His
4. Their
5. Her
6. My/Our
- 用his,her,our或their填空
- 用my,his,her,our,their填空
- 你还记得这些表示谁的词吗?试用our,your,his,her,their填空
- 你还记得这些表示谁的词吗?试用our,your,his,her,their填空( 越快越好 )
- wemy your his her their our me you him her them us造6个句子
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- he met a beggar who said that he was always happy.
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- 1.( )does your father do?2.( )days are there in a week?There are seven days in a week.