1.thank you for ____ me.a.helping b.to help c.help d.helps
2.--___ are they getting ready for?--the spring festival.a.where b.how c.why d.what
3.i can't find my glaases.they ___ in your pocket.a.can b.can be c.may d.may be
4.liu mei,your mother is waiting ___ you at the school gate.a.at b.in c.of d.for
5.are you from south america?yes,but we live in different ____.a.cities b.the city c.a city d.city
6.can you send a postcard to my friend?gertainly.___me your name and address.a.say b.speak c.talk d.tell
7.thank you ____ your present ___ japan.a.of,of b.for,from c.from,from d.for,for
8.look at the young man.he ___ the bus.a.runs for b.is runs c.is running d.is running for
9.what is your mother doing?she __ for oranges.a.is shopping b.is buying c.buys d.shops
10.who's he ___?peter,i think.a.waiting b.waiting for c.waitting for d.is waiting
11._____ browns _____ having supper now.a./;are b.a;is c.the;is d.the;are
12.can jim ____ in the river?yes,he can.look,he ____ now.a.swim;swim b.swim;swimming c.swim;is swimming d.swimming;is swimming
13.tom is new here.so he has ____ friends.a.a lot of b.many c.few d.a few
人气:337 ℃ 时间:2020-05-12 10:00:59
1.A 2.D 3.D 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.B 8.D 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.C确定一定对吗第9个选A buy后面直接跟名词,刚看错了,不好意思
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