Wen.,May,4th Fine
I will keep a dairy from today on.I know there may be a difficulty to learn English well just as my Chinese,but I still want to have a try.Though there are many differences between English and Chinese,they are both languages,so these methods I study Chinese could be used in my English as well.And I blieve I'll do a good job.
I want to go to Peking University,and I know I'll manage to live my dream.
My first jounal is a little bit short,but it'll be more and more great,and so will my English.
人气:175 ℃ 时间:2019-08-31 09:50:39
Generally speaking,you have done a good job.整体而言,你写的不错.1.Wednesday,星期三的简写是 Wed,不是Wen;2.I will keep a dairy from today on;改成 I will keep writing dairy day by day ; 加上动词write,强...