> 英语 >
suppose your cousin zhang wei has just been admitted to a university.write him/her a letter to:
1 congratulation him /her,
2 give him/her suggestions on how to get prepared for university life
Dear Zhang Wei,
I am so glad to hear that you will study in Beijing University. Congratulations, and I would like to share some reminders for university life with you.
First of all, I think English is very important in your future study , a good command of English empowers you enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers, so you should take more time to study English before you go to university. What's more, interpersonal communication ability is essential to university life, therefore you should deliberately practise this aspect ability. You can either take part in various activities or speaking in public.
If you take my suggestions into account, I will be very pleased. Lastly,I hope you will have a wonderful time
Yours sincerely,
Li Ming
人气:231 ℃ 时间:2019-08-17 00:39:50
First of all, I think English will play a very important role in your future study , a good command of English empowers you enjoy a desicive advantage over your peers, so you'd better spend more time studying English before you go to university. What's more, interpersonal communication ability is essential to university life, therefore you shouldtake opportunities to improve your communicative competence . You can either take part in various activities or speak in public.
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