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get rid of和什么相同
人气:124 ℃ 时间:2020-03-26 10:22:28
cast off =shake off =get rid of
摆脱 [bǎi tuō]
cast off get rid of shake off
dispense; rid; cast off; extricate oneself from; throw off; get rid of; break away from; free oneself from; shake off; wash one's hands of; be rid of; rid oneself of; get sth.off one's hands; get out; get over; be free of; be clear of; clear off; clear sb.of sth.; break off; breakaway; break loose; cut loose from; do away with; find freedom from; see the back of sb.; give sb.[sth.] the go-by; give sb.[sth.] a miss
extricate oneself from a predicament摆脱困境
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