小明为上周加入了篮球俱乐部而感到兴奋.Xiaoming____ ____ to join the basketball club last week.
人气:289 ℃ 时间:2020-04-04 09:24:41
小明为上周加入了篮球俱乐部而感到兴奋.Xiaoming__was__ _excited__ to join the basketball club last week.be excited - (某人)感到兴奋的这里用一般过去时不明白可继续提问.若回答对您有所帮助,请点击本页面中...
- I want to join the basketball club.
- what club do you want to join?we want to join the chess club.I want to join the basketball club?
- Leo ____ the Basketball Club last month.A.joined B.joins C.joining D.join
- 为学校的篮球俱乐部写一个招收会员的广告:Join(加入) our basketball club
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