> 英语 >
1 he -------- his children with good stories 2 the haning boxes will --------birds to visit the area 3 there plants multiplied and filled the first oceans and seas with oxygen.this ----thedevelopment of early shellfish .4 her work ----many other women to become doctors.5we were tired but also very ---------.6an ----------excite elephant.7 he was an -----supporter of COCO Li.8 she was able to replace her usual afternoon`s work by watching some -----sports.10 it was so -----when my letter became neat and tidy.11 Amost -----------experience .12 that was very --------but very -----too!
人气:193 ℃ 时间:2020-09-20 22:31:25
encouragedexciteencouragedencouragedexhaustedexcitingexcitingexcitingexcitedexhaustingexhausted excitedPS:Maybe not all of them are correct,but the given ones are incorrect either.还有翻译呢?
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