The dictionary ______is sold in that bookshop.A.your needB.what your need
The dictionary ______is sold in that needB.what you need C.which you need it D.that you need it
人气:162 ℃ 时间:2020-01-30 03:56:58
- _ you _ your dictionary that i gave you the day
- Is that your English dictionary?作肯定和否定回答
- The dictionary is sold in that shop.( need Bwhat you need Cwhitch you need it D.that you need
- Is that your English-English dictionary?怎样回答
- Is that your dictionary,Jim?怎么回答?Yes,it is___.该填什么?
- 5y-6分之5=12分之5,y等于
- 已知曲线C:X2+Y2-2X-2Y+1=0相切的直线L交X,Y轴的正半轴AB两点,O为原点,若|OA|=a,|OB|=b(a>2,b>2) (1)求
- 已知水流的速度是5千米/时,轮船顺水航行需5小时,逆水航行需7小时,则A,B两码头之间的航程是多少千米2379
- 如果黄赤交角变大,为什么温带范围会缩小?
- It's fun to have a picnic,but they must get everything r______.
- She hopes to live a ___(peace)life It's ___(proba
- Y=sin2x的最小正周期怎么算?
- His name is Tony Brown.We can call him .
- The best love is the care you give
- 根据数字猜成语:A.1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10
- 皇历上说的今天是黄道吉日,为什么后面却是忌:诸事不宜.