1.do an interview with 2.do/write a review about 3.suggest/advise doing 4.get out of5.finally/at last /in end 6.look over 7.look down 8.look acroos 9.look at my left 10.disappear into the distence 11.on the edge of 12.at the botton of 13.(on)the other side of 14.a great number of /many 15.go thought 今天给我啊,救命用的啊!
人气:175 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 21:52:14
1.I wanna do an interview with the vampire.2 The manager asked me to write a review about the latest situation of the market.3.I do suggest you learning English hard.4.The meeting went on late and he ...
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- 甲船从A港顺流而下开往B港,乙船同时从B港逆流而上开往A港;甲船8小时行完全程,乙船12小时行完全程,两船相遇点距离A港216KM,求相遇距离B港多少千米?
- 夏天,郁郁葱葱、密密麻麻的枝叶挡住了人们的视线.(缩句)
- 写一篇我和小伙伴的作文.550以上.
- 若关于X,Y的2元一次方程组 ①X-Y=M-5②X+Y=3M+3中,X的值为负数,Y的值为正数,求M的取值范围.
- I've just had an English exam.I sat there from 8 to 11 in the morning
- 如果a的绝对值大于a ,那么可能是正数吗?可能是0吗?可能是负数吗?