1, Every manand woman is (be) responsible for his or her actions.
2,Only one of the girls in our school is (be)over eighteenyears old
3,Some of the countries they may have visited seem (seem)to be Nigeriaand Egypt.
4,Noneof thepoorstudents have/has (have) enough warm clohtes to wear.
5,The number of African studentsin this schoolis (be)increasingyearby year.
6,No news is (be)hard to learn,so I don't like it.
7, There are (be)severalways you may useto solve this difficult problem.
8,For me,physics is (be) hard tolearn,soI don't like it
9, Romeo and julie is (be)a famous love story,which was written byWilliam Shakespeare.
10,EitherKate or her mother has (have) acar.Idon't know itfor sure. 希望对你有所帮助.学习进步、快乐!