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我要参加一个比赛 看看,可以帮我也修改一下,但不要太多 最近我读了一本欧.亨利的短片小说集.书的内容很精彩.其中一篇小说《圣诞礼物》让我映像十分深刻.它讲述了20世纪初在纽约生活的一对夫妻美好的爱情故事:德拉和丈夫詹姆斯是一对贫穷的人,詹姆斯有一份工作,他们日子过的很幸福.圣诞节到了,德拉想为丈夫买一份礼物,但他没有钱,她把她的头发买了,用这钱为丈夫心爱的表买一个金表链;他的丈夫也为她准备了一份礼物,丈夫把他金表链卖了之后为妻子的长发买了个漂亮的梳子,可妻子的长发已没了,丈夫的金表也没了.他们的故事非常动人,穷苦没关系,但我们的日子要充实,要开心,快乐每一天,不能虚度时光.我们对待亲人、朋友要真诚,这样别人才会以同样的方式对你.而且在节日我们送朋友礼物时,不是贵的就好,有的东西可以代表我们的心意就可以了.读完此书,真是受益匪浅啊!
人气:408 ℃ 时间:2019-08-20 22:13:27
I recently read a book.Henry's short stories.The contents of the book is very exciting.A novel "Christmas" let my image is very impressive.It tells the story of the beginning of the 20th century in New York life of a couple of beautiful love story:husband James is Della and a poor man,James has a job,they had a very happy day.Christmas came to her husband,Della buy a gift,but he had no money,she put her hair with this money bought,buy the table for her husband loved a gold chain,Her husband also prepared her a gift,the husband put his gold chain sold for his wife's hair after bought a beautiful combs,but his wife's hair has gone,husband of gold,too.Their story is very moving,poor,but we will enrich,want to be happy,happy every day,and can't waste time.We will sincerely treat your relatives,friends,so they will be in the same way to you.We send our friends and holiday gift,not expensive,some things can represent our mind.Reading this book,really benefit!
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