> 英语 >
We can build China's low mobility of international capital flow in the model by
drawing a steep BoP curve.Pls draw the IS,LM,and BoP curve for China
suggesting they cross at one equilibriun point initially and answer the folloing
(1) Which country is the corresponding large economy that
affects China's interest rate?
(2) Which curve will be moved instantly if
the large economy adjusts its own interest rate?
(3) Suppose the large
economy raises its interest rate by tightening money supply.Pls use the model
to analyze its influences on China's economy:1) if China fixes RMB to the large
economy's currency;2) if China lets RMB float.
(4) Tell the realistic sense
of the theoretical analysis by following recent events in international economy.
2.Japan has been in recession/zero growth for 20 years till
recently Prime Minister Abe Shinzo comes up with his 3 arrows to stimulate
Japanese economy:expansionary monetary policy,supporting fiscal policy,and
structural reform to enhance private investment in the long run.
(1) Build
the IS-LM Model(ignoring BoP) and AS-AD Model for Japanese economy suggesting it
starts from the initial equilibrium with 0 growth(you can mark the vertical axis
by inflation rate (instead of price level) and the flat axis by growth
rate(instead of GDP)).
(2)Find the short-run and long-run equilibriums by
using the above model when expansionary monetary/fiscal policy takes
(3) Predict the economic consequences in Japan if the 3ird arrow of
Abenomics does not work well.
3.Visit the website of IMF or WB
and find the primary data(growth,interest rate,inflation etc.) of major
economies (US,Euro Zone,China,Janpan,Russia,India and Brazil) in the world
in recent 4 years.
(1) Describe the world's economic development after the
great recession in 2008-2009;
(2) Name the factors that dominate the economic
growth in short term v.s long term respectively.
人气:133 ℃ 时间:2020-04-06 19:31:11
1.(1) The USA(2) BoP curve(3) (3.1) The interest rate of China will raise.Money supply decreases and the equilibrium output decreases.(3.2) The RMB depreciates and nothing in the domestic economy is a...
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