make himself heard more clearly
意思是,让他自己的神音被别人听得更清晰哦哦,懂了,make oneself done,我已经查到了,你直接说make oneself done固定搭配不就完了吗,这样更好理解。还有,我本人的英语水平实在烂,所以正在努力自学中此处并不是make sb do sth的句型make某人后面接被动表状态Only by shouting at the top of his voice was he able to make himself heard他只有用最大嗓门喊叫时,别人才能听到他。They may not have been at the heart of the action on court, but these cheerleaders know how important it is to make themselves heard.她们也许不是篮球场上的核心,但是这些啦啦队员知道她们的呐喊助威声对球赛多么重要