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人气:343 ℃ 时间:2020-04-10 22:00:46
英语的发音其实是很不规则的,尤其是元音发音,通常会出现同一个词中的同字母不同音或异字母 同音:如apparatus.字母组合的发音也不能完全按照中学课本中讲的规则来判断,如clerk,sergeant,spinach.再还有些词发音与拼写相距甚远,从表面判断不出发音:如ballet,entrepreneur,rapprochement等.综上所叙,学英文发音是绝对不能望词生音的,没有绝对的规律,只有勤翻词典才是最可靠的.ph [f] elephant photo telephone 9-31 -q/-que [k] Iraq cheque 9-32 qu- [kw] quality quite quarter 9-33 r [r] red rubber ruler 9-34 s在音节开头或清辅音前 在元音字母间或浊辅音前 [s] sit sleep desk 9-35 [z] music husband 9-36 sc- [sk] scarlet scout Scotland 9-37 [s] muscle science 9-38 sh [] she fish shirt wash 9-39 t在通常情况下 在弱读字母ia ie io前 [t] ten letter meet 9-40 [] patient nation 9-41 tch [] watch catch match 9-42 th在通常情况下 在冠词 代词 介词 连词中 在词尾-the -ther中 [θ] thin thirty method 9-43 [] the these with than 9-44 [] clothe father weather 9-45 tr- [tr] tree train country truck 9-46 v [v] very voice love leave 9-47 w [w] week win wake sweet wait 9-48 [/] answer two 9-49 wh- wh-在字母o前 [w] what when white why 9-50 [h] who whose whole 9-51 x 在重读元音前 [ks] box text exercise 9-52 [gz] example exist exact 9-53 wr- [r] write wrong wrist 9-54 y- [j] yes yard yellow young 9-55 z [z] puzzle zero zoo 9-56 类别:English Tips | 添加到搜藏 | 浏览(319) | 评论 (0) 下一篇:作文中常用句套:相关文章:英语单词发音规则 英语单词发音规则-音节分类 最近读者:登录后,您就出现在这里.qimengkuaile 秦娜韩旭 逍遥的双鱼 chen3621407 huangkuangrong zenonye xggbcg 网友评论:发表评论:姓名:注册 | 登录 *姓名最长为50字节 网址或邮箱:(选填) 内容:插入表情 ▼ 闪光字 2009 Baidu
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