> 英语 >
简要的介绍你的朋友的成长变化,次数:60-80字 提示:主要介绍现在与以前的变化.
人气:341 ℃ 时间:2019-11-10 17:43:12
随着年龄的不断增长,她不但身高长高了,对自己的形象也有了新的意识改留了长发;同样的心理上也有了明显的变化,变得内向了比以往,由活泼开朗转变为了沉静若有所思,喜欢一个人独处了,越来越有自己的独立小空间了with the time is passingaway ,Ana is higher than before, Ana is higher than before ;and she has long hair now ,but in the before she was a short hair girl .herCharacter also has some difference with before`s . her hobby was playing Piano 、watching TV and talking about something with friends,but now she would better stay at home to have a reading or walking outside to stand thatthings . in short she is becomingintroversion than before .
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