In South Africa,Nesvag (2000) notes that street vending was particularly harassed by the apartheid regime as a way of preventing Africans from taking control of public space,and the collapse of these controls beginning in the 1980s formed in some sense a spearhead of economic resistance to the White-controlled government economic and political system.
But reemerge they did,as the modernist dream crumbled into postmodern reality.In doing so,however,they did not simply signal a return to a romanticized past,but created a rational reaction to the economic,cultural and social world of today.Postmodernism as a movement,if we can think of it as such,is concerned first and foremost with the individual's attempt to regain control over their lives-control that is lost in today's society of mass-production factories and corporate offices.This is reflected in the renewed growth of small businesses since the 1980s,as the middle class seeks to avoid the control of salaried labor.But many are finding that the burden of regulations means that they have simply exchanged one form of control for another (Kuratko etal 1999).
还有.because of competitive outsourcing by formal firms fighting to lower their costs,as suppliers of labor-intensive intermediate goods for formal factories and distributors.
人气:123 ℃ 时间:2020-05-14 02:51:07
In South Africa,Nesvag (2000) notes that street vending was particularly harassed by the apartheid regime as a way of preventing Africans from taking control of public space,and the collapse of these ...