> 英语 >
请帮忙完成下列几道英语选择题,thx u
1:some poeple believe TV programs are just_____ people's minds while others thinks otherwise,They argue that TV programs enrich their knowledge.
A.corrupting B.attracting C.educating D.interrupting
2:people remian puzzled about how the statue_____in ancien Greece without any modern machines.
A.would be built B.may have been built C.could be builet D.could have been built
3:---why didn't you attent the meeting yesterday?
----I am so sorry.I ____ a bad cold and was unable to go to work
A.put up with B.ran away with C.came down with D.caught up with
人气:109 ℃ 时间:2020-07-01 20:57:28
A 腐蚀人的头脑,后面是转折,另一部分人认为电视能丰富知识
D could表能够,would表愿意,may是可能
C come down with a cold 患感冒
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