用4个词写一篇英语文章:dinosaur,meeting,times square,coke
100词以上,一定要精彩,好的+50 周日晚上之前要.
人气:221 ℃ 时间:2020-03-29 08:52:16
One day a dinosaur was having a meeting with some other animals,such as the tiger,the monkey and the rabbit,dicussing whether to go for fun.The dinosaur said,"Friends,we have been living here for a long time.It is too boring.We need a change in our lives.""Yes,Mr.dinosaur,I want to go out to enjoy something new.But where shall we go?"Said the tiger,which was the No.2 of them.Having thought over and over,the monkey said'"Well,guys,haven't you heard of "times square"of the humans?It is said it is very beautiful and enjoyable.We can find a place and build our own times square.""Good idea,"Shouted everyone,"Let's go out of the forest and rebuild our kingdom is an amazing way.Then they all went to a city and got to the times square.Suddenly they saw a coke."What's it?"They asked.And the dinosaur was curious about it and drank it up."It tastes good."It said.And then they travelled around the city happily.
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