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我记得李阳疯狂英语,有篇三最短文训练,开头是During the summer holiday of 2005,I thought i should do
During the sommer holiday of 2005,i thought i should do something mainful instead of stading at home and watching TV,so i got a job at a KFC fastfood restaurant.后面的就记不得了,谁知道啊?记得以前背过,现在想知道全文是啊哈?谢谢!
人气:174 ℃ 时间:2020-04-22 18:59:19
During the summer holiday of 2005,I thought I should do something meaningful instead of staying at home and watching TV.So I got a job at a KFC fast food restaurant and worked there as a cleaner.Every day I went to work early in the morning and got home late in the evening.I worked 7 hours a day for three weeks.
The job was hard,boring and seemed endless,which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.After all,I stuck to it with my determination.
Finally,I finished the job before the new school term began.
Now,I understand what labor means.I think it was really a successful experience.哇!太棒了,你是从哪里知道的?背过吗?请问你是做什么工作的啊?灰常感谢啊在网上搜到的哈哈,我怎么搜没搜到啊,能教教我咋搜的吗?我就搜索了下During the sommer holiday of 2005,i thought i should,第三个网页就找到了。
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